Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
E7 - Ollie Forsyth - 19 yr old Entrepreneur&Business Owner
Svietlana Lavrentidi
Jan 29 2017

Hi, My name is Svietlana and I am the Light Bearer and SoulMate Alchemist, a Sensitive and Empathic soul that holds space like a Warrior Queen.
I use the laws of the Universe and Intentional/Conscious Manifestation to take people from where they are to where they want to be with ease and grace. I use my intuitive and channelling gifts, especially when it comes to people’s love life.
I am very passionate about the process of manifestation because I have turned my life around more than once, got out of depression naturally, lost 27kg, got married, relocated and left a toxic job to follow my passion, all in the space of around a year. I’ve never looked back and I know that if I did this, anybody else can too!
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