Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
E28 Ketan Makwana - the founder of Enterprise Lab
Svietlana Lavrentidi
Feb 20 2017

Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
In a response to the emerging skills gap between education to employment and enterprise Ketan launched Enterprise Lab which has evolved into a disruptive agency supporting Mindset, Attitude & Behaviour development serving over 100,000 people a year across the world.
In 2012 Ketan founded and delivered Youth Enterprise Live backed by the Prime Minister and the UK's largest event focussed on Education, Employment and Enterprise for 15-30 year olds… leading on from this took a position as Special Advisor to the Prime Minster on Youth Policy; other work includes being part of the E20 Summit (20 entrepreneurs from the UK working on the missing millions), has a seat in European Parliament & Commission working on the 2020 strategy for enterprise and employment.
Ketan is an advisor to UK Government on youth and enterprise policies, works with International Governments & Ministries on Enterprise Eco-System Development and sits on many advisory boards and panels including MIT and British Council and an ambassador of UKTI and Foreign & Commonwealth Offices related to Enterprise development in countries across the globe.
- Smarta 100 Award in 2012 for creating one of the most disruptive businesses in the UK,2013
- Best Business by Start Young Global Awards
- Appointed into the Maserati 100 which celebrates 100 entrepreneurs that are giving back to future generations.
- Appointed into the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech 2015
- Iconic Innovator of the Decade - Women Economic Forum 2015
- Ketan was a finalist:
- Entrepreneur of Excellence at the National Diversity Awards 2014
- Best Mentor at the National Mentoring Excellence Awards 2015
Ketan's magazinre http://enterpriselab.co.uk/magazine
All new subscribers will get a free 30 minute consultation with Ketan

Hi, My name is Svietlana and I am the Light Bearer and SoulMate Alchemist, a Sensitive and Empathic soul that holds space like a Warrior Queen.
I use the laws of the Universe and Intentional/Conscious Manifestation to take people from where they are to where they want to be with ease and grace. I use my intuitive and channelling gifts, especially when it comes to people’s love life.
I am very passionate about the process of manifestation because I have turned my life around more than once, got out of depression naturally, lost 27kg, got married, relocated and left a toxic job to follow my passion, all in the space of around a year. I’ve never looked back and I know that if I did this, anybody else can too!
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