Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
E71 The Happiness Millionaire - Janet Jones
Svietlana Lavrentidi
Apr 18 2017

Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
Janet Jones is the author, speaker and photographer of Happiness Millionaire work. She helps people breakthrough to an extraordinary and fulfilling life by moving them from P.O.O.R thinking to a R.I.C.H life. Her workshops, seminars and online study course leave people with better relationships, an income that is right for them, self confidence and overall health.
Happiness Millionaire Power of Positive Images is based on a time tested system by Napoleon Hill to creating wealth. Janet uses science and real life stories to bring this system into the 21st Century for lasting happiness.
Janet's mission is to empower people to take back control of their lives and achieve true happiness away from prescription pills. She aims to make Happiness Millionaire the go-to company for breaking through to an extraordinary and fulfilling life.
Svietlana is the founder of Entrepreneurial Women's Network - the largest female meetup in Europe. Svietlana inspires entrepreneurs to create the business and life they deserve. Svietlana has started Entrepreneurcast to bring Entrepreneurs and business owners advice to you and help you create the best life for yourself. Let's change the World, one person at the time, and then move nations.
Entrepreneurcast is all about Real People and the Real Results they produced.

Hi, My name is Svietlana and I am the Light Bearer and SoulMate Alchemist, a Sensitive and Empathic soul that holds space like a Warrior Queen.
I use the laws of the Universe and Intentional/Conscious Manifestation to take people from where they are to where they want to be with ease and grace. I use my intuitive and channelling gifts, especially when it comes to people’s love life.
I am very passionate about the process of manifestation because I have turned my life around more than once, got out of depression naturally, lost 27kg, got married, relocated and left a toxic job to follow my passion, all in the space of around a year. I’ve never looked back and I know that if I did this, anybody else can too!
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