Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
E78 Write Without Waffle With Jackie Barrie
Svietlana Lavrentidi
May 11 2017

Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
Jackie Barrie specialises in writing without waffle.
A qualified journalist, she's been a professional copywriter since 1983. These days, she spends two-thirds of her time doing hands-on copywriting, and one-third training people how to do it themselves.
She has published three business books, written hundreds of successful websites, and collected over 400 testimonials from satisfied clients.
She started her own business in 2001, after working for 20 years as a copywriter and senior manager in the corporate world.
Jackie has a particular interest in how the brain processes words and symbols. She holds a BA Honours degree in psychology, and qualified as an NLP Practitioner to further understand how language influences behaviour.
She has also been a barmaid and a tea-lady. She hates tomatoes, alarm clocks and shoes, and likes dancing, scuba diving and making people laugh.
Here are some career highlights so far:
• She has published three business books that all reached top ten in their Amazon category on launch
• She's written blogs and articles all over the Internet, including the Huffington Post, Fresh Business Thinking and Marketing Lens. She studied creative writing with Sue Townsend on a Greek island, and is an Ezine Articles Diamond author
• On the speaking side, she's a Professional Member of the Professional Speaking Association (and founder and past co-President of the South East region), and achieved Advanced Communicator (Bronze) with Toastmasters
• As for networking, she co-founded Bromley Creative Community and Croydon Ecademy, and ran eight BRX groups across southeast England (not all at the same time)
Jackie has published over 1,000 blog posts, received nearly 400 testimonials, and written over 100 websites
You might want to know about her qualifications. She did an Open University BA Honours degree including the psychology of how people process words and symbols. She also qualified as an NLP Practitioner (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), for a deeper understanding of the power of language in written and spoken communications. She originally trained as a journalist.
Her local clients are mostly based in Croydon, Bromley, Beckenham and Central London, but she has worked for clients across the UK, Europe and the world.
In 2001, she started freelance copywriting under the Comms Plus brand after 20 years as a copywriter and senior manager in the home shopping sector.
Jackie has also worked as a barmaid and a tea-lady. She hates tomatoes, alarm clocks and shoes, and likes dancing, scuba diving and making people laugh.- Linkshttp://jackiebarrie.com/https://twitter.com/jackiebarriehttps://en-gb.facebook.com/jackie.barriehttps://uk.linkedin.com/in/jackiebarriehttps://plus.google.com/+JackieBarriehttps://www.pinterest.com/jackiebarrie/https://www.youtube.com/user/WritingWithoutWaffle
Svietlana is the founder of Entrepreneurial Women's Network - the largest female meetup in Europe and The Authority Ninja - teaching you how to become the Authority in what you do. Svietlana inspires entrepreneurs to create the business and life they deserve. Svietlana has started Entrepreneurcast to bring Entrepreneurs and business owners advice to you and help you create the best life for yourself. Let's change the World, one person at the time, and then move nations.

Hi, My name is Svietlana and I am the Light Bearer and SoulMate Alchemist, a Sensitive and Empathic soul that holds space like a Warrior Queen.
I use the laws of the Universe and Intentional/Conscious Manifestation to take people from where they are to where they want to be with ease and grace. I use my intuitive and channelling gifts, especially when it comes to people’s love life.
I am very passionate about the process of manifestation because I have turned my life around more than once, got out of depression naturally, lost 27kg, got married, relocated and left a toxic job to follow my passion, all in the space of around a year. I’ve never looked back and I know that if I did this, anybody else can too!
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