Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
E85 Reputation Specialist - Alan Stevens
Svietlana Lavrentidi
May 21 2017

Welcome to Entrepreneurcast. My name is Svietlana and each day we share an inspirational story or message to help you create the business and life you deserve
About Alan:
Of course, I have been honoured with some designations, which I must say I'm quite proud of, since they represent a high level of professional achievement. In December 2013, I was part of the first group of twenty-one speakers to receive the CSPGlobal designation (Certified Speaking Professional, Global). This award is given only to experienced international speakers who have proven mastery of the core global speaking competencies over a number of years, received favorable reviews by the clients who have hired them, demonstrated sustainability as a global presenter, presented professionally in a range of countries and satisfied a panel of peers of their competence.
I am also a Past President of the Global Speakers Federation, and a Fellow and Past President of the Professional Speaking Association of the UK and Ireland (PSA UKI). I am also honoured to be one of only ten UK speakers who holds their highest professional designation, The Professional Speaking Award of Excellence (PSAE). Co-incidentally, I'm the only accredited professional speaker in Europe who is also a qualified public relations professional, being a Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.I've written a bunch of books about media and speaking. My latest book,The Exceptional Speaker, co-authored with Paul du Toit, was published in September 2013. I've been appearing frequently on radio and television since 1979. I also set up and ran Which? Online in 1996, which included online social networking features, years before Facebook. The Independent newspaper listed me as “one of the UK's top ten media experts”., bless them. I live in London with my wife and teenage daughter, where I enjoy running, rock music and fine food and wine, though not all at the same time. My great-great-great grandmother's aunt was Mary Shelley, writer of Frankenstein. Oh yes, and my mother and father were ballroom dancing champions of London, back in 1946. That's probably enough

Hi, My name is Svietlana and I am the Light Bearer and SoulMate Alchemist, a Sensitive and Empathic soul that holds space like a Warrior Queen.
I use the laws of the Universe and Intentional/Conscious Manifestation to take people from where they are to where they want to be with ease and grace. I use my intuitive and channelling gifts, especially when it comes to people’s love life.
I am very passionate about the process of manifestation because I have turned my life around more than once, got out of depression naturally, lost 27kg, got married, relocated and left a toxic job to follow my passion, all in the space of around a year. I’ve never looked back and I know that if I did this, anybody else can too!
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